
The ErrorHandler Interface


By passing an instance of the ErrorHandler interface to the setErrorHandler( ) method of XMLReader, you can provide custom handling for particular classes of errors detected by the parser. For example, you can choose to stop parsing when a validity error is detected by throwing an exception from the error( ) method. The SAXParseException passed to each of the three methods in this interface provides details about the specific cause and location of the error:

package org.xml.sax;
public interface ErrorHandler {
  public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException;
  public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException;
  public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
   throws SAXException;

Warnings represent possible problems noticed by the parser that are not technically violations of XML’s well-formedness or validity rules. For instance, a parser might issue a warning if an xml:lang attribute’s value was not a legal ISO-639 language code. The most common kind of error is a validity problem. The parser should report it, but it should also continue processing. A fatal error violates well-formedness. The parser should not continue parsing after reporting such an error. Some parsers report violations of namespace well-formedness as fatal errors. Others report these as nonfatal errors.

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