
createProcessingInstruction: target, data


This creates a new ProcessingInstruction node with the given target name and data values. The processing instruction target name “xml” (case-insensitive) is reserved and can’t be used by an application.


target: DOMString

The target name of the processing instruction.

data: DOMString

The application-specific data for the resulting ProcessingInstruction node.



Indicates that the name you passed in to createProcessingInstruction is not a legal XML name. See Chapter 2 for the XML restrictions on name construction.


Generated if you attempt to create a ProcessingInstruction using an HTML document.

Java binding

public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target,
                                String data) throws DOMException;

Java example

// Add the application-specific processing instruction
ProcessingInstruction pi = doc.createProcessingInstruction("my_app",

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