
createElement: tagName


This creates a new, empty Element node for use within the parent document. The element name is given as an argument to the method. The resulting Element node belongs to the parent Document object, but is not part of the document element hierarchy. See the NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR [unsigned short, value: 9] reference later in this chapter for more information about how the document hierarchy manipulation methods are used.


tagName: DOMString

The XML name used to create the new Element node. This name is assigned to the nodeName attribute of the resulting Element node.

Return value

The new Element object.



Indicates that the name you passed to createElement( ) is not a legal XML name. See Chapter 2 for the XML restrictions on name construction.

Java binding

public Element createElement(String tagName) throws DOMException;

Java example

// Create the new my_tag Element
Element elOut = doc.createElement("my_tag");

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