


  use-attribute-sets = "QualifiedName1 QualifiedName2...">
  <! --  template  -- >

The xsl:copy element copies the current node from the source document into the output document. It copies the node itself and any namespace nodes the node possesses. However, it does not copy the node’s children or attributes.


use-attribute-sets, optional

A whitespace-separated list of xsl:attribute-set names. These attribute sets are merged, and all attributes in the merged set are added to the copied element.


If the current node is an element node, attributes can be added via xsl:attribute children. If the current node is the root node or an element node (a node that can have children), then xsl:copy may contain a template that specifies the content of the element inserted into the result tree. All xsl:attribute elements must precede the output template.

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