


 name = "QualifiedName"
 use-attribute-sets = "QualifiedName1 QualifiedName2...">  
<! --  xsl:attribute*  -- >

The xsl:attribute-set top-level element defines a collection of attributes that can be applied to elements elsewhere in the stylesheet. For instance, you could define an attribute set that includes the necessary attributes to create a simple XLink, and then you could attach the set to each simple XLink element.


name, required

The name attribute gives a name for the set, by which xsl:element and other xsl:attribute-set elements can load this attribute set.

use-attribute-sets, optional

The use-attribute-sets attribute adds attributes from a different attribute set into this attribute set. More than one attribute set can be loaded by separating multiple names with whitespace. The attributes defined in all loaded sets and all attributes defined by child xsl:attribute elements are merged so that no attribute appears in the set more than once. It is an error if an attribute set uses itself directly or indirectly.


This element contains zero or more xsl:attribute elements. Each such element adds one attribute to the set.

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