Expression structure overview

It can be difficult to follow some of the labyrinthine ways in which XPath rules include each other. Yet there is a major chain of rules for expressions (Expr{14}), as shown below. The order in which the following roles are linked (exclusively) to each other also indicates the order in which they are processed (so that, for example, '=' is evaluated after '<'):

{14} Expr           ... and ... or ... (adds nothing)
 {21} OrExpr        ... and ...
  {22} AndExpr    $a=$b
					$y < $z ...
   {23} EqualityExpr        $y < $z
					$a < $b + $f * -2
    {24} RelationalExpr               $a
					$b + $f * -2
     {25} AdditiveExpr                     $b
					$f * -2
      {26} MultiplicativeExpr                   $f
       {27} UnaryExpr                                -2
        {18} UnionExpr    warning|chapter[9]/para     2
         {19} PathExpr            chapter[9] ...

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