CSS properties

The following table lists all the CSS properties (53 from CSS1 and an additional 77 from CSS2) and the values that they can take, grouped by appropriate function. Common parameter value types are described below.

Length – inches (in), centimetres (cm), millimetres (mm), points (pt), picas (pc), ems (em), x-height (ex), pixels (px). A '+' or '-' prefix is allowed.

Percent – '+' or '-', followed by number, then '%', e.g. 200% = twice size.

Color – black, navy, blue, aqua, purple, maroon, green, red, gray, fuchsia, teal, lime, yellow, white, olive, silver, #rgb (hexadecimal), #rrggbb (hexadecimal), rgb(r,g,b) (each value decimal, or percent).

Number – digits, optionally prefix with '+' or '-', may include decimal point.

Integer – ...

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