
The 'border-color' property can now take the value 'transparent'. It is then invisible, but still has its given width.

Independent border styles

The new properties 'border-left-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-top-color' and 'border-bottom-color' allow each side to be coloured differently (though 'border-color' with four parameters has the same effect). Similarly, the new properties 'border-left-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-top-style' and 'border-bottom-style' allow each side to be styled differently (though 'border-style' with four parameters has the same effect). The two examples below are equivalent:

para { border-color: red green yellow blue ;
       border-style: dotted dashed }
para { border-top-color:    red ;
       border-right-color: ...

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