
  1. Given the CSV data shown in the following, create a file named exer_1.csv. Write a Perl program using the XML::SAXDriver::XML module that will convert the CSV file to XML.

    Name the root element <exercise1> and then use the first column names as the element names (hint: Dynamic_Col_Headings). Use the XML::Handler::YAWriter as the event handler. Generate a new file named exer_1.xml containing the results.

    Biology,Mrs. Riehl,10:00 − 11:00,103,Y 
    Marine Science,Mrs. Riehl,11:30 − 12:30, 103,N 
    Algebra,Mr. McCarthy,1:00 − 2:00,114,N 
    Computer Science,Mr. Burns,3:00 − 4:00,204,Y 
  2. Now modify the program and write your own handler to handle the CSV data. Don’t forget to take out the XML::Handler::YAWriter dependency ...

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