The Final Style Sheet

The actual display page needs to do three things: show the user what she has ordered, allow her to change it, and collect payment information.

Let's start off by modifying our servlet to send the output through our new style sheet in Listing 6.36.

Listing 6.36. Outputting to the Final Style Sheet
150:        totalCostNode.appendChild(totalCostText);
151:        tempDocRoot.appendChild(totalCostNode);
153:      transformer = transFactory.newTransformer
					154:              (new StreamSource("file:///c:/files/confirmOrder.xsl"));
					155:      transformer.transform(new javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource(tempDoc),
					156:                                               new StreamResult(out)); 157: 158: } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException SAXe) { 159: out.print("There was a problem with the source" ...

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