12.2 The Compound Text Encoding

An X Consortium standard defines a format for text properties that support multiple character sets, such as multi-lingual text. It is called the Compound Text Encoding. As of late 1992, the Compound Text Encoding specification is printed in Volume Zero, X Protocol Reference Manual.

The format is based on ISO standards for encoding and combining character sets. Compound Text is intended to be used in three main contexts: inter-client communication using selections; window properties (e.g., window manager hints); and resources (e.g., as defined in Xlib and the Xt Intrinsics). All of the standard routines for setting window manager hints that set text properties support the compound text encoding. If you are only concerned with your program operating in English on a system where the window manager also uses English, these routines are easy to use.

The target type for selections in the Compound Text encoding is COMPOUND_TEXT.

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