Flexibility with From and To

The following Page adds a ScaleTransform to the Button and applies two Storyboards to animate it: one triggered by PointerEntered, and one triggered by PointerExited and similar events:

<Page ...>  <Page.Resources>    <!-- Two Storyboards, one for growing and one for shrinking -->    <Storyboard x:Name="growStoryboard" TargetName="t" TargetProperty="ScaleX">      <DoubleAnimation From="1" To="1.4"/>    </Storyboard>    <Storyboard x:Name="shrinkStoryboard" TargetName="t" TargetProperty="ScaleX">      <DoubleAnimation From="1.4" To="1"/>    </Storyboard>  </Page.Resources>  <Canvas Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">    <Button Content="Animating Button" ...

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