Selection alerts

Sometimes we have to ask the user to select one or more items from a larger collection. This may be necessary as normal dialogs only have up to three buttons, but a fully customized UI is unnecessary.

How to do it...

To provide a list of items in a dialog, we can specify the items in much the same way as a simple message:

  1. If we need to provide the user with a selection of items in a dialog, we can also use the AlertDialog instance and the SetItems() method:
    string[] items = new string[] { ... }
    using (var dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)) {
      dialog.SetTitle("Alert Title");
      dialog.SetPositiveButton("Close", delegate { 
      dialog.SetItems(items, (s, e) => {
        int index = e.Which;
  2. We can also use data adapters ...

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