Alert dialogs

In many apps, we will require some input from the user or a decision to be made. The decision may require a response before the app can continue.

How to do it...

If we want a decision to be made, we can use a pop-up dialog. This is achieved by using the AlertDialog.Builder type:

  1. Alerts are easy to create using the AlertDialog.Builder type:
    using (var dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)) {
      dialog.SetTitle("Alert Title");
      dialog.SetMessage("Alert message text here...");
  2. We can also add buttons to the alert by using the SetPositiveButton(), SetNegativeButton(), or SetNeutralButton() methods:
    dialog.SetPositiveButton("Yes", delegate { // do something cool here }); dialog.SetNegativeButton("No", delegate { // do something ...

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