Building the ISQLiteStorage interface

Now we must set up another class, which  will be used to control the queries performed on the database. Add a new file called ISQLiteStorage.cs into the Storage folder and implement the following:

public interface ISQLiteStorage { void CreateSQLiteAsyncConnection(); Task CreateTable<T>(CancellationToken token) where T : class, IStorable, new(); Task InsertObject<T>(T item, CancellationToken token) where T : class, IStorable, new(); Task<IList<T>> GetTable<T>(CancellationToken token) where T : class, IStorable, new(); Task<T> GetObject<T>(string key, CancellationToken token) where T : class, IStorable, new(); Task ClearTable<T>(CancellationToken token) where T : class, IStorable, new(); Task DeleteObjectByKey<T>(string ...

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