
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Activity log, 191
Audit trail and activity logging section, 19


Base32-encoded SHA-1 hashes, 230


Case Data directory tree
Case Data window, 46
Case Root, 45–46
Directory Browser, 47
directory tree, 46
middle-click behaviors, 50
right click behaviors, 47–50
Case file creation
audit trail and activity logging section, 19
auto-save interval in min, 20
Case Data window, 16, 16f
Case Property window, section numbers, 17, 17f
code pages section, 19
Display time zone, 19–20
general case information section, 18–19, 18f
option type, 20, 20f
protection against opening, 20
RVS, 20–21
SIDs, 21
toggling, Case Data window, 16, 17f
XWF, 16
Case management and imaging
augmentation, ...

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