Time for action – specifying message event activities

To throw the fault and to exit the process, we will perform the following steps:

  1. Open the BookWarehousingBPEL process. We will drag-and-drop the <throw> activity to the message event handler scope.
  2. Name the <throw> activity ThrowCancelInstance.
  3. Double-click on the ThrowCancelInstance activity and then specify the Fault QName. The Namespace URI is the same as for the BPEL process itself: http://packtpub.com/Bookstore/BookwarehousingBPEL. The Local Part name should be CancelInstance. We will not specify the Fault Variable as the BPEL faults do not require a variable:
    Time for action – specifying message event activities
  4. Next, drag-and-drop the <exit> ...

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