Time for action – modifying WSDL

WSDL specifies the web service interface, which is used to invoke the BPEL process. When creating the BPEL process, the corresponding WSDL has been generated in the WSDLs folder of the project tree. It is named BookstoreABPEL.wsdl.

By default, WSDL contains a single operation named process. We will modify the default WSDL and rename the operation name from process to getBookData. This name denotes the purposed of the operation more precisely. We will also modify WSDL to include the XSD elements, which we created in the previous section.

To achieve this, let's perform the following steps:

  1. Double-click on the BookstoreABPEL.wsdl file in the WSDLs folder and switch to the source view.
  2. In the <portType> section, rename ...

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