Sorting Methods

The Sort method can be used to sort an entire table or just a column within a table. (It can also be used to sort text. I discussed this in Chapter 14, The Range and Selection Objects.)

The syntax for sorting a table column is:

ColumnObject.Sort(ExcludeHeader, SortFieldType, SortOrder, _
	                  CaseSensitive, LanguageID)

The syntax for sorting an entire table is:

TableObject.Sort(ExcludeHeader, FieldNumber, SortFieldType, _
	            SortOrder, FieldNumber2, SortFieldType2, _
	            SortOrder2, FieldNumber3, SortFieldType3, _
	            SortOrder3, CaseSensitive, LanguageID)

You can set the ExcludeHeader parameter to True to exclude the first row or paragraph from the sort operation. The default value is False.

The FieldNumber, FieldNumber2, and FieldNumber3 parameters are fields that are used in the sorting process. Sorting is done first by FieldNumber, then by FieldNumber2, and finally by FieldNumber3.

The SortFieldType, SortFieldType2, and SortFieldType3 parameters specify the sort types for the FieldNumbers parameters and can be one of the constants in the following enum:

	Enum WdSortFieldType
	   wdSortFieldAlphanumeric = 0
	   wdSortFieldNumeric = 1
	   wdSortFieldDate = 2
	End Enum

The default is wdSortFieldAlphanumeric.

The SortOrder, SortOrder2, and SortOrder3 parameters specify the sorting order for their respective FieldNumbers parameters and can be one of the constants in the following enum:

	Enum WdSortOrder
	   wdSortOrderAscending = 0
	   wdSortOrderDescending = 1
	End Enum

The default value is wdSortOrderAscending ...

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