The Select Case Statement

As we have seen, the If…Then construct is used to perform different tasks based on different possibilities. An alternative construct that is often more read-able is the Select Case statement, whose syntax is:

	Select Case testexpression
	   Case value1
	       ' statements to execute if testexpression = value1
	   Case value2
	       ' statements to execute if testexpression = value2
	   . . .

	   Case Else
	      ' statements to execute otherwise
	End Select

Note that the Case Else part is optional. To illustrate: the following code is the Select Case version of the earlier example (see the previous discussion of the If…Then statement) that changes the font size of different headings. I think you will agree that this is a bit more readable than the previous version:

	Select Case Selection.Style
	   Case "Heading 1"
	      Selection.Font.Size = 24
	   Case "Heading 2"
	      Selection.Font.Size = 18
	   Case "Heading 3"
	      Selection.Font.Size = 14
	   Case Else
	      Selection.Font.Size = 11
	End Select

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