
accuracy, 10

active voice construction, 1011

analytical reports, 6970

appreciation messages, 4445

assessing the writing situation, 45

Avoiding Wordiness Checklist, 1718

biases, avoiding, 11

blogs, 5862

characteristics, 5960, 62

content, 6061

conversation style of writing, 60

individual posts, 59

information, 61

organizations use of, 59

typical posts, 5859

uses, 60

business plan, 70

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), 74

chronological resumes, 9798

clarity, 11

collaborative writing, 8182

comma splices, 8

conciseness, 1112

conversational prose, smoothness of, 12

correctness, 1213

cover letters, 9397. See also resumes

body, 9597

closing, 95, 97

document design, 97

opening, 94, 96

for solicited jobs, 9495

for unsolicited jobs, ...

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