The file

The file is essentially a manifest for your Odoo module. It describes the necessary attributes of your module to the Odoo framework. Sometimes, this file is also called the module descriptor file.

To create the file in Ubuntu, make sure you are in the module directory and use the following command:

sudo nano

The structure in the file is what is called a dictionary in Python:

    'name': 'Screen Printing', 
    'version': '1.0', 
    'description': """ 
    This module adds functionality for  
         screen printing companies 
    'author': 'Greg Moss', 
    'depends': ['base','sale'], 
    'data': ['silkworm_view.xml'], 
    'demo': [], 
    'installable': True, 
    'auto_install': False, 

This is how the ...

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