Working with Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2011

Book description

Configure, adapt, and extend Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011—guided by two of the leading implementation specialists in the field. Whether you’re an IT professional, a developer, or a power user, you’ll get pragmatic, hands-on insights for customizing CRM in your organization—with or without programming.

Discover how to:

  • Set up and configure your system

  • Plan and configure security settings and information access

  • Easily customize form attributes, views, and relationships

  • Create and deploy custom reports

  • Use xRM to quickly create and efficiently manage line-of-business applications

  • Automate business workflows

  • Extend Microsoft Dynamics CRM with scripts and assemblies

  • Table of contents

    1. Working with Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2011
    2. Foreword
    3. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book
      2. Organization of This Book
      3. Prerelease Software
      4. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
      5. System Requirements
        1. Client
        2. Server
      6. Code Samples
      7. Acknowledgments
        1. Mike Snyder’s Acknowledgments
        2. Jim Steger’s Acknowledgments
        3. Kristie Reid’s Acknowledgments
      8. Errata & Book Support
      9. We Want to Hear from You
      10. Stay in Touch
    4. I. Overview and Configuration
      1. 1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Overview
        1. Life Without Customer Relationship Management
        2. Introducing Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Distinguishing Qualities of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
            1. Provides Customers a Choice of Deployment Options
            2. Offers a Better End-User Experience through Tight Integration with Microsoft Office Products
            3. Uses Existing Investment in Microsoft Cloud and Platform Technologies
            4. Includes a Highly Configurable and Extensible Development Framework
            5. Offers Simple and Straightforward Licensing and Pricing
            6. Lets your .NET Developers use their Existing Development Tools and Languages
          2. Licensing
            1. External Connector License
            2. Volume Licensing
          3. Connector for Microsoft Dynamics
          4. System Requirements
        3. What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
        4. User Interfaces
        5. Entities and Solutions
        6. Summary
      2. 2. Setup and Common Tasks
        1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook
          1. Standard vs. Offline Client
            1. Offline Synchronization Filters
            2. Offline Constraints
          2. Integration Points
            1. CRM vs. Outlook Forms
            2. Activity Reminders
            3. Outlook Web Access
          3. Data Synchronization
            1. Configuring Data Synchronization
            2. Deleting Records
        2. Email in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Email Tracking
            1. Organization Settings
            2. Individual Settings
          2. E-Mail Templates
            1. Creating or Modifying E-Mail Templates
            2. Inserting Templates into E-Mail Messages
            3. Creating and Sharing Personal E-Mail Templates
            4. Inserting Images and Hyperlinks into E-Mail Templates
          3. Creating and Sending Mass Email Messages
            1. Direct Email
            2. Quick Campaign
            3. Workflow Processes
            4. Mail Merge
            5. Mass Email Summary
        3. Mail Merge
        4. Queues
          1. Creating Queues
          2. Enabling Queues
          3. Working with Queue Items
        5. Summary
      3. 3. Managing Security and Information Access
        1. Mapping Your Needs
        2. Security Concepts
          1. Security Model Concepts
            1. Role-Based and Object-Based Security
            2. Organizational Structure
          2. User Authentication
            1. Integrated Windows Authentication
              1. Turning off automatic logon in the Local intranet zone
              2. Adding a trusted site to Internet Explorer
            2. Claims-Based Authentication
            3. Windows Live ID
        3. Managing Users
          1. Reassigning User Records
            1. Bulk Reassign
            2. Manually Reassign Active Records
          2. Monitoring License Usage for Compliance
        4. Security Roles and Business Units
          1. Security Role Definitions
          2. Access Levels
          3. Privileges
            1. Entity Privileges
            2. Miscellaneous Privileges
            3. Privilege Impact on Application Navigation
          4. Security Role Inheritance
          5. Field Level Security
            1. Enabling Field Security
            2. Field Security Profiles
          6. Sharing Records
            1. Sharing with Teams
            2. Sharing Secured Fields
            3. Sharing and Inheritance
        5. Summary
      4. 4. Data and Document Management
        1. Data Management
          1. Import Data Wizard
            1. Prepare the Import Files
            2. Import the File and Map the Records
            3. Reviewing the Import Status
          2. Data Enrichment
          3. Duplicate Detection
            1. Duplication Detection Settings
            2. Duplicate Detection Rules
            3. Duplicate Jobs
          4. Bulk Record Deletion
        2. Document Management
          1. File Attachments
          2. SharePoint Document Integration
            1. Setup and Configuration
            2. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
            3. User Interface
        3. Summary
    5. II. Solutions
      1. 5. Solutions Overview and Concepts
        1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customizations
          1. Customization Concepts
          2. Security and Permissions
        2. Solution Framework Overview
          1. Publisher
          2. Solution Properties
            1. Creating a solution
              1. Creating a solution
        3. Solution Components
          1. Entity and Entity Components
            1. Entities
            2. Forms, Views, and Charts
            3. Fields
            4. Relationships
            5. Messages
          2. Global Option Sets
          3. Client Extensions (Site Map and Ribbon)
            1. Adding the Application Ribbons component to a solution
              1. Adding the Application Ribbons component to a solution
          4. Web Resources
          5. Processes (Workflow and Dialogs)
          6. Plug-ins and Workflow Assemblies
          7. Reports and Dashboards
          8. Remaining Components
          9. Excluded Components
        4. Solution Details
          1. Publishing Customizations
            1. Publishing Process
              1. Publishing customizations for select entities
              2. Publishing customizations for all components
            2. Publishing Customizations to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Offline Client for Microsoft Office Outlook
          2. Reviewing Solution Packages Types
            1. Unmanaged
            2. Managed
            3. Updating Managed Solutions
            4. Conflict Resolution
          3. Managing Component Properties
            1. Dependency Tracking
          4. Exporting and Importing Solution Packages
            1. Exporting Solutions
              1. Exporting a solution
            2. Importing Solutions
              1. Importing an unmanaged solution
        5. Solution Considerations
          1. Solution Design Strategies
          2. Unmanaged Solution
            1. Pros
            2. Cons
          3. Independent Managed Solutions
            1. Pros
            2. Cons
          4. Dependent Managed Solutions
            1. Pros
            2. Cons
          5. Additional Considerations
        6. Summary
      2. 6. Entity: Fields and Option Sets
        1. Fields
          1. Field Properties
          2. Data Types
          3. Requirement Levels
          4. Modifying, Adding, and Deleting Fields
            1. Modifying Fields
              1. Modifying a field property
            2. Adding Custom Fields
              1. Adding a custom field
                1. Schema Name
                2. Type
                3. Field Icons
            3. Deleting Fields
              1. Deleting a custom field
          5. Status and Status Reason Fields
          6. Fields and Closing Dialog Boxes
            1. Editing the Phone Call Closing Dialog Box Values
        2. Option Sets
        3. Summary
      3. 7. Entity Customization: Forms
        1. Form Components
          1. Body
          2. Header
          3. Footer
          4. Navigation
        2. Form Customizations
          1. Main Form Customizations
            1. Body
            2. Header
            3. Footer
            4. Field Explorer
            5. Navigation
          2. Mobile Form Customizations
        3. Form Actions
          1. Modify Form Properties
            1. Events
            2. Display
            3. Parameters
            4. Non-Event Dependencies
          2. Preview a Form
          3. Assign Security Roles
          4. Show Dependencies
          5. Configure Managed Properties
        4. Form Controls
          1. Sub-grids
            1. Creating a sub-grid of opportunities on the Account form
              1. Creating a sub-grid of opportunities on the Account form
            2. Name
            3. Label
            4. Data Source
            5. Additional Options
            6. Chart Options
            7. Layout
            8. Row Layout
          2. Web Resources
            1. Adding a graphic web resource to the Opportunity header
              1. Adding a graphic web resource to the Opportunity header
            2. Web Resource
            3. Field Name and Properties
            4. Visibility
            5. Web Resource Properties
            6. Layout and Row Layout
            7. Scrolling
            8. Border
            9. Image Appearance
            10. Dependencies
          3. Spacers
          4. Notes
          5. IFrame
            1. Name
            2. Security
            3. Visibility
            4. Layout and Row Layout
            5. Formatting
            6. Dependencies
            7. Events
          6. Navigation Links
            1. Adding a navigation link
              1. Adding a navigation link
            2. Label
            3. Specify an Existing Web Resource or External URL
        5. Using Multiple Forms
          1. Creating Multiple Forms
            1. Creating a new Account form
              1. Creating a new Account form
              2. Copying an existing Account form
          2. Ordering Forms
            1. Setting the form order
              1. Setting the form order
          3. Viewing Entities with Multiple Forms
        6. Summary
      4. 8. Entity Customization: Views and Charts
        1. Customizing Views
          1. View Types
            1. Public Views
            2. System-Defined Views
              1. Adding the Business Phone Number as a Find Column in the Contact Lookup View
            3. Saved Views
          2. Customizing Views
            1. Sample View: My Direct Reports’ Overdue Activities
              1. Creating an Overdue Activities custom view
            2. Sample View: Opportunities Opened This Year
              1. Creating an Opportunities Opened This Year custom view
        2. Customizing Activity Views
          1. Workplace Activities
          2. Entity Activity Views
        3. Customizing Charts
          1. Charts Overview
          2. Chart Properties
          3. Creating a Chart
            1. Creating an Accounts By State chart
              1. Creating an Accounts By State chart
          4. Exporting and Importing Charts
            1. Exporting the Accounts By State chart
              1. Exporting the Accounts By State chart
              2. Importing the Accounts By State chart
        4. Summary
      5. 9. Entity Customization: Relationships
        1. Understanding Entity Relationships
          1. Relationship Definition
            1. One-to-Many
            2. Many-to-One
            3. Many-to-Many
          2. Relationship Field
          3. Relationship Navigation
            1. Display Option
            2. Display Area
            3. Display Order
          4. Relationship Behavior
            1. Parental Behavior
            2. Referential Behavior
            3. Behavior Configuration Options
          5. Entity Field Mapping
            1. Creating Custom Mappings
              1. Manually creating a mapping
            2. Mapping Option Set Fields
        2. Creating Custom Relationships
          1. Adding Multiple User References per Account
            1. Add additional user references
              1. Add additional user references
          2. Creating Parent and Child Cases
            1. Create a self-referencing relationship for the Case entity
              1. Create a self-referencing relationship for the Case entity
        3. Summary
      6. 10. Entity Customization: Custom Entities and Activities
        1. Custom Entities
          1. Custom Entity Benefits
          2. Custom Entity Limitations
          3. Custom Entity Example
          4. Creating a Custom Entity
            1. Entity Definition
            2. Display Areas
            3. Entity Options
            4. Primary Field
            5. Entity Icons
              1. Updating custom entity icons
          5. Deleting a Custom Entity
        2. Custom Activities
        3. Summary
      7. 11. Solutions: Web Resources
        1. Web Resources Overview
          1. Web Resource Properties
          2. Referencing Web Resources
          3. Web Resource Constraints
        2. Web Resource Types
          1. Web Page (HTML)
            1. Creating a simple Web page (HTML) web resource
              1. Creating a simple Web page (HTML) web resource
              2. Adding a Web Page (HTML) web resource to a form
          2. Style Sheet
            1. Creating a Style Sheet web resource
              1. Creating a Style Sheet web resource
              2. Referencing a Style Sheet in a web resource
          3. Script (Jscript)
            1. Creating a Script web resource
              1. Creating a Script web resource
              2. Referencing the Script (Jscript) web resource on the Lead form
          4. Data (XML)
          5. Image
          6. Silverlight (XAP)
        3. Web Resource Examples
          1. Formatting and Translating U.S. Phone Numbers
          2. Updating a Form Display Based on a Field Value
          3. Filtering Options Based on the Selection of a Field Value
          4. Displaying Customer Information on an Opportunity Form
            1. Referencing the Script (JScript) web resource on the Lead form
              1. Referencing the Script (JScript) web resource on the Lead form
        4. Summary
      8. 12. Solutions: Client Extensions
        1. Understanding the Application Navigation
        2. Modifying the Site Map
          1. Editing the Site Map
            1. SiteMap Element
            2. Area Elements
            3. Group Element
            4. SubArea Element
            5. Privilege
          2. Importing a Site Map
          3. Working with the Get Started Pane
          4. Site Map Tips and Tricks
          5. Entity Display Areas
        3. Managing Form Navigation
        4. Modifying the Ribbon
          1. Available Ribbons
          2. Updating a Ribbon
            1. CustomActions
            2. Templates
            3. CommandDefinitions
            4. RuleDefinitions
            5. LocLabels
          3. Ribbon Example
          4. Ribbon Tips and Tricks
        5. Summary
      9. 13. Reports and Dashboards
        1. Data Delivery Design
        2. Accessing Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Report Security
          2. Reports in the User Interface
            1. Reports View
            2. Entity Ribbon
            3. Entity Form
        3. Customizing Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Editing a Reporting Services Report
            1. Modifying the Account Overview report
              1. Modifying the Account Overview report
          2. Creating a Reporting Services Report Using Fetch XML
            1. Creating a report
              1. Creating a report
        4. Managing Reports with Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Report Records
          2. Report Actions
            1. Download Report
            2. Revert to Personal Report/Make Report Available to Organization
            3. Publish Report for External Use
          3. Schedule Report
            1. Scheduling the Neglected Accounts report to execute monthly
              1. Scheduling the Neglected Accounts report to execute monthly
          4. Edit Default Filters
            1. Editing the default filter
              1. Editing the default filter
          5. Report Categories
            1. Managing report categories
              1. Managing report categories
        5. Customizing Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
          1. Accessing the dashboard editor
            1. Accessing the dashboard editor
              1. Accessing the dashboard editor
          2. Actions on the Dashboard View
          3. Creating a New System Dashboard
            1. Chart
            2. List
            3. IFrame
            4. Web Resource
          4. Editing Dashboards
            1. Actions
            2. Insert
            3. Layout
        6. Summary
    6. III. Processes
      1. 14. Workflow Processes
        1. Workflow Process Basics
          1. High-Level Architecture
          2. Running Workflow Processes
          3. Workflow Process Security
            1. Creating and Editing Workflow Processes
            2. Running Workflow Processes
          4. Understanding the Workflow Interface
        2. Workflow Process Templates
        3. Workflow Process Properties
          1. Basic Workflow Process Properties
          2. Workflow Process Execution Options
          3. Scope
          4. Trigger Events
        4. Workflow Process Step Editor
          1. Check Conditions
          2. Wait Conditions
          3. Workflow Process Actions
            1. Create Record
            2. Update Record
            3. Assign Record
            4. Send E-mail
            5. Start Child Workflow
            6. Change Status
            7. Stop Workflow
            8. Custom Workflow Plug-in Actions
          4. Stages
        5. Dynamic Values in Processes
          1. Operator
            1. Operator
            2. Look for Options
            3. Dynamic Values Box
            4. Default Value
        6. Monitoring Workflow Processes
          1. Monitoring Workflow Jobs from the Workflow Process Record
          2. Accessing Workflow Jobs from a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Record
          3. Accessing Workflow Jobs from System Jobs
          4. Reviewing Log Details
          5. Taking Actions on Existing Workflow Jobs
        7. Importing and Exporting Processes
        8. Workflow Process Examples
          1. Creating a Business Process for a New Lead
            1. Creating the process
              1. Creating the process
              2. Sending the response for website leads
              3. Creating phone call actions
              4. Adding the follow-up steps
          2. Escalating Overdue Service Cases
            1. Creating the email process
              1. Creating the email process
              2. Creating the escalating logic process
        9. Summary
      2. 15. Dialog Processes
        1. Dialog Process Basics
          1. Starting Dialog Processes
          2. Understanding the Components of Dialog Pages
            1. Page Header
            2. Prompt and Response
            3. Tip Text
          3. Configuring Security for Dialog Processes
            1. Creating and Editing Dialog Processes
            2. Running Dialog Processes
          4. Understanding the Dialog Interface
        2. Dialog Templates
        3. Dialog Properties
          1. Basic Dialog Process Properties
          2. Dialog Execution Options
          3. Input Arguments
          4. Variables
          5. Steps
            1. Stages
            2. Pages
            3. Prompt and Response
            4. Check Conditions
            5. Query CRM Data
            6. Assign Value
            7. Create Record
            8. Update Record
            9. Assign Record
            10. Send E-Mail
            11. Start Child Workflow
            12. Link Child Dialog
            13. Change Status
            14. Stop Dialog
        4. Monitoring Dialogs
          1. Monitoring Dialog Sessions
          2. Reviewing the Summary of a Dialog Processes
        5. Dialog Process Example
          1. Prequalifying a Lead
            1. Creating the process
              1. Creating the process
              2. Creating a lead score variable
              3. Creating the prompt and response page to with the prequalification questions
              4. Calculating the lead score based on the responses
              5. Creating the prequalification logic
        6. Summary
    7. A. About Sonoma Partners
    8. Index
    9. About the Authors
    10. Copyright

    Product information

    • Title: Working with Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2011
    • Author(s): Jim Steger Mike Snyder and Kristie Reid
    • Release date: April 2011
    • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
    • ISBN: 9780735661721