Displaying uploaded files in products

In the last section, we displayed the list of files in the product edit screen and updated it each time we uploaded a new file using AJAX. Now, we need to complete the implementation by displaying the files list in the frontend product page as a new tab. We already used a common function to generate the list of files for a product, and hence it's just a matter of using it within a product page tab. Let's use the following code to display the file list:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'wqwpf_product_files_tab' );function wqwpf_product_files_tab( $tabs ) {  $tabs['wqwpf_tab'] = array(    'title' => __( 'Product Files', 'wqwpf' ),    'priority' => 50,    'callback' => 'wqwpf_product_files_tab_content' );

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