
Edit Copy


The Copy command works in much the same way as the Cut command (see the previous section), except that selections are not removed from their original location.

Copy a selection using drag-and-drop by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging the selection or by dragging with the right mouse button and selecting Copy Here from the context menu that appears when you release the button.

Using Document Scraps

Use document scraps to copy and paste information in documents. Create a document scrap by dragging a selection from a document and releasing it on the Windows desktop (or in a folder). A file with a shs extension is created that contains the selection. Paste the contents of the document scrap into a document by simply dragging the icon for the scrap from the desktop to a location in the document. Edit a scrap directly in Word by double-clicking it. Document scraps are a useful way of inserting standard entries (such as an address or a disclaimer) used repeatedly in documents, and are often easier to organize than AutoText entries (see Chapter 7).

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