Copying registry values

WiX doesn't provide a specific element for copying data from one registry value to another. However, you can accomplish this task by pairing a RegistrySearch element with RegistryValue. First, you'll store the value in a property by using a RegistrySearch element. Then, you'll reference that property in the Value attribute of the RegistryValue element. Here's an example:

<Property Id="MY_REG_VALUE"> <RegistrySearch Id="MyRegistrySearch" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\MyCompany\MyKey" Name="MyDWORDValue" Type="raw" /> </Property> <ComponentGroup Id="RegistryComponents" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION"> <Component Id="CMP_CopyRegValue" Guid="747965AA-90F4-4262-BE55-3C1F4F7F65B4"> <RegistryValue Id="MyRegistryValue" KeyPath="yes" Root="HKLM" ...

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