Dissecting SMTP communication packets

Using the Netcat client from a Kali Linux machine, I will connect to the SMTP mail service running on a Windows machine. After a successful three-way handshake, the server will respond with numerical codes with a short summary. Follow these steps to the send an email using command line:

  1. Open a connection with the mail server using netcat nc -nv 25.
  2. Initialize an SMTP session with the HELO testmail command.
  3. Specify the from address using the MAIL FROM:<abc@charit.com> command.
  4. Specify the recipient's address using the RCPTS TO:<efg@charit.com> command.


  1. To enter data into the mail body, type DATA, press Enter, and type . (full-stop; this is a terminating character, and you can use any ...

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