


This class implements the manager of the display and input devices of the system. It includes methods for requesting that objects be displayed on the devices, and for retrieving properties of the devices. The setCurrent( ) method is used for setting the current Displayable and the getCurrent() method for retrieving the current Displayable. The callSerially( ) method causes the Runnable object to have its run( ) method called later. This method can be used by applications to run an animation that is properly synchronized with the repaint cycle.

public classDisplay {
   //  public class methods
   public static Display getDisplay(MIDlet m);
   // public instance methods
   public void callSerially(Runnable r);
   public Displayable getCurrent(  );
   public boolean isColor(  );
   public int numColors(  );
   public void setCurrent(Alert alert, Displayable display);
   public void setCurrent(Displayable display);

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