


This interface maintains a sequence of the record IDs of the records in a record store. The enumerator iterates over all the records in an order determined by an optional record comparator. In order to iterate over a subset of the records, a filter can be supplied.

public interfaceRecordEnumeration {
   // public instance methods
   public void destroy(  ) throws IllegalStateException;
   public boolean hasNextElement(  );
   public boolean hasPreviousElement(  );
   public boolean isKeptUpdated(  );
   public void keepUpdated(boolean keepUpdated);
   public byte[] nextRecord(  ) throws InvalidRecordIDException,
                 RecordStoreNotOpenException, RecordStoreException;
   public int nextRecordId(  ) InvalidRecordIDException;
   public int numRecords(  );
   public byte[] previousRecord(  ) throws InvalidRecordIDException,
                 RecordStoreNotOpenException, RecordStoreException;
   public int previousRecordId(  ) InvalidRecordIDException;
   public void rebuild(  );
   public void reset(  );

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