Chapter 11

Structuring the Deal


check Seeing that a deal involves more than just money

check Establishing a win-win deal if you can

check Knowing that guarantees can help when you use them carefully

check Putting together crystal-clear contracts

Structuring the deal — the topic of this chapter — is something you shouldn’t leave for the end of the sales cycle after you’ve achieved the yes decision. Although the end is the time for formalizing the deal, setting up the deal structure is a natural part of the sales process, and elements of it will come into various discussions with your prospect along the journey.

remember As the buying cycle progresses toward the deal structuring, you may find that the prospect’s decision-making unit (see Chapters 9 and 19) expands to include purchasing or that the purchasing function comes to more prominence. It’s important that you don’t allow them to take over. It’s your deal, and you need to be prepared to take a tough stance as you set the ground rules. If you fail ...

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