
Taskkill — \windows\system32\taskkill.exe


Taskkill, included with Windows XP Professional only, is used to end one or more running processes from the command line. Task Manager, described previously, provides a more convenient interface for this function, but Taskkill can be used remotely. Taskkill takes the following command-line parameters:

taskkill [/s system [/u [domain\]username 
   [/p [password]]]] [/pid process_id | /im image] 
   [/f] [/t]



/s system

Specifies the remote system to which to connect.

/u [ domain \] username

Specifies the user context under which to execute.

/p [ password ]

Specifies the password for the specified user.


Forcefully terminates the process.

/pid process_id

Specifies the process ID of the process to be terminated. To obtain the process IDs, use Tasklist (later in this chapter).

/im image

Specifies the image name of the process to be terminated; specify * to terminate all image names.


Terminates the specified process and process tree, which includes any child processes that were started by it.

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