

access types, 59

ActivePerl, 5

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 78

archiving event logs, 45, 158

ARP tables, 8588

capabilities, 87

resources for further reading, 87

arp.exe utility, 86

at command, 8

at.exe utility, 8

attrib.exe utility, 43

auditing, 5861

access types, 59

audit events, 59

main features, 61

Autolog.exe utility, 10

autologon, 919

registry keys, 16

security implications, 26

setting with Regedt32, 1517

starting with Perl, 1719

automated configuration/maintenance, 3


backup directories, 46

batch processing functions, 128131


changing (see configuring)

clearing event logs, 158

closing registry keys, 148

CLSID (Class ID) registry keys, 104


for the MaintainAndConfigure module, 132143

guidelines for writing and testing, 113

command-line interface, 8

command-line utilities, 48

attrib.exe utility, 43

net.exe utility, 5457

computer name

domain and, 108

finding, 7377, 9396

ComputerName registry key, 97

configuration files, 130

configuration functions, 123128


automated configuration, 3

error control values, 68

IP addresses, 98103

MaintainAndConfigure module for, 121143

My Computer icon, 103

NetBIOS name, 9698

network identity, 91110

for multiple workstations, 9193

SIDs, 105108

control panels

Drivers Control Panel, 57

Hardware Profiles Control Panel, 69

Network Control Panel, 74, 96, 99

Services Control Panel, 8, 2223, 57

controlling drivers, 6372

reasons for, 53


registry keys, 13, 149

registry values, 14, 148


Data Link Control (DLC), 78

data, sending, 154

default gateway, 100, 102


files from temporary directories, 4245

registry keys, 13

registry values, 15, 149

dependency, 67

deployment methods for scripts, 114

difference files, 62


joining, 108110

SIDs and, 106

DOS network drivers, 79


controlling, 53, 6372

vs. services, 57

Drivers Control Panel, 57


email sent by scripts, 48, 151155

enabling/disabling network connectivity, 6972

%ENV Perl variable, 76

environment table, 76

environment variables, 76

error control values, 68

Ethernet cards, 7778

event ID field, 66

event log objects, constructing, 155

event logs

archiving, 45, 158

clearing, 158

managing, 65

reading entries, 156

reporting problems, 4952

resources for further reading, 52

event module functions, 155158

Event Viewer utility, 2, 60, 6572

execution, successful, 56

extracting (see finding)



computer name, 7377, 9396

IP addresses, 9396

MAC addresses

via ARP tables, 8588

with a DOS network driver, 79

with getmac.exe utility, 81

with ipconfig.exe utility, 79

via lookup table, 8890

via the registry, 82

machine identifier, 7377, 9396

registry entries

by auditing the registry, 5861

with Regmon.exe utility, 6365

with sysdiff.exe utility, 62

workstation names, 7377

fully qualified hostnames, 88


function names, 146

module functions, 121131

Perl module functions, 145158


gateway, default, 100, 102

getmac.exe utility, 81

capabilities, 82

GUID (globally unique identifier), 104

guidelines for script development, 112


hackers, security against, 115118

handles, 11, 18, 20, 147

hardware, enabling/disabling, 69

Hardware Profiles Control Panel, 69

Hardware Profiles registry key, 60

hash tables, 37, 47

help files, 8

hives, 11, 147

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key, 12, 147

CLSID subkey, 104


HKEY_CURRENT_USER key, 12, 147

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key, 12, 17, 5961, 74, 83, 124125, 130, 147




HKEY_USERS key, 12, 59, 147

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Description\Microsoft\ Rpc\UuidTemporaryData key, 83

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT keys

Windows key, 69

Winlogon key, 15

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce key, 10

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet keys, 70

ComputerName key, 97

HardwareProfiles key, 60

Lsa key, 46

Services key, 2021, 67, 101

srvname key, 22

Start key (Tcpip), 64

hostnames, 74, 100

fully qualified, 88

IP hostname, 97

housekeeping, 4247


information events, 66

instsrv.exe utility, 2123

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 86

internet protocol (IP), 98

IP addresses, 98

configuring via Network Control Panel, 99

finding, 9396

registry settings for, 100103

IP hostname, 97

IP networking

resources for further reading, 98

setting up, 98103

ipconfig.exe utility, 79

capabilities, 80


LegalNotice registry keys, 19

Local Security Authority (LSA), 108

lookup table, compiling, 8890

Lsa registry key, 46


MAC addresses, 78, 92

finding, 7890, 9396

via ARP tables, 8588

with a DOS network driver, 79

with getmac.exe utility, 81

with ipconfig.exe utility, 79

via lookup table, 8890

via the registry, 8285

machine identifier, finding, 7377, 9396

MaintainAndConfigure module, 121143

batch processing functions, 128131

code for, 132143

configuration functions, 123128

script control functions, 122

maintenance, 4152

automated, 3

MaintainAndConfigure module for, 121143

managing event logs, 65

Media Access Control (MAC) addresses (see MAC addresses)



advantages of, 120, 133

MaintainAndConfigure module (see MaintainAndConfigure module)

importing, 145

Perl module functions, 145158

monitoring (see auditing)

My Computer icon, configuring, 103


native functions, 145

nested subdirectories, 44

Net::SMTP module, 48

functions of, 151155

NetBIOS name

configuring, 9698

replacing using NewSID.exe utility, 107

Netdom.exe utility, 109

net.exe utility, 5457, 109

machine identifier extraction, 75

Network Basic Input/Output System (see NetBIOS)

Network Control Panel

configuring IP addresses, 99

finding computer name, 74

setting NetBIOS name, 96

network identity, configuring, 91110

for multiple workstations, 9193

Network-disabled Hardware Profile, 69


connectivity, enabling/disabling, 6972

disruption of, 30

identity (see network identity)

NewSID.exe utility, 106

NTFS (NT file system), 2


object-oriented interface, 146

open keys, 147


packet-sniffers, 118

Perl, 4, 145147

case sensitivity, 147 %ENV variable, 76

MaintainAndConfigure module, 121143

module functions, 145158

Net::SMTP module, 48

recursive functions, 44

saving time with, 24

Primary Domain Controller (PDC), 108

print spooler services, starting/stopping, 5556

process module functions, 149151

processes, creating, 150

purgable directories, 43


recipients, 153

reconfiguration scripts, 9396

recursive functions, 44

RegCreateKey function, 71

Regedit, 2, 12, 97

Regedt32, 1317, 58, 74, 97


access types, 59

audit event, 59

auditing, 5861, 97

main features, 61

in real time, 65

enabling/disabling network connectivity via, 69

finding entries, 5865

by auditing, 5861

with Regmon.exe utility, 6365

with sysdiff.exe utility, 62

finding MAC address via, 8285

capabilities of the technique, 85

IP addresses settings, 100103

keys (see registry keys) machine identifier extraction, 74

module functions, 147149

NetBIOS name settings, 97

object-oriented versions, 146

overview, 1113

Regedt32, 58

resources for further reading, 11

TCP/IP parameter settings, 100103

value types, 14

values (see registry values)

registry keys, 1114, 147149

autologon registry keys, 16

closing, 148

CLSID (Class ID) registry keys, 104

creating, 13, 149

deleting, 13

opening, 147

root keys, 12

traversing, 13

registry values, 12, 68

creating, 14, 148

deleting, 15, 149

modifying, 148

types of, 14

Regmon.exe utility, 58, 6365

main features, 65

vs. auditing or the sysdiff.exe utility, 65

relative identifier, 105

reporting, 4752

disk overload, 48

event log problems, 4952

resources for further reading

ARP tables, 87

event logs, 52

internet protocol, 98

maintenance tools, 2

Perl, 5

Windows NT Registry, 11

Windows NT User Administration, 9

Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit, 10

retrieving (see finding)

RID (relative identifier), 105

root keys, 1113

RPC registry entry, 83, 94

RunOnce registry key, 10



key security issues, 115118

Netdom.exe utility and, 110

running scripts without user intervention, 2527

scripts, 111119

precautions when testing, 45

SIDs, reconfiguring, 105108

sc.exe utility, 22

schedulers, 8

security implications, 25

script control functions, 122


adding/removing with stub installed, 35

changing, danger of, 120

criteria for usefulness, 41

deployment methods, 114

development guidelines, 112

examples of use, 1

machine-specific, 7390

managing remotely, 2840

obsolescence, 30

Perl language for, 4

reconfiguration scripts, 9396

running without user intervention, 627

security implications, 2527

as a service, 1925

using autologon, 919

using schedulers, 8

safety/security, 111119

precautions when testing, 45

sensitive areas, 117

script control functions, 122

“script talk”, 117

self-updating, 2830

characteristics, 29

disadvantages, 33

stub (see stubs)

updating other scripts, 34

writing, 3034

secure tunnels, 108

security (see safety/security)

self-updating scripts, 2830

characteristics, 29

disadvantages, 33

services, 1921

controlling with net.exe utility, 5457

vs. drivers, 57

network, enabling/disabling, 6972

schedulers (see schedulers) script run as a service, 1925

security implications, 26

starting from command line, 8

starting from Services Control Panel, 22

starting/stopping, 8, 5372

Win32-based, 20, 57

Services applet, 8

Service Control Manager, 20, 5457, 6667

Services Control Panel, 8, 2223, 57

Services registry key, 2021, 67, 101

SIDs, reconfiguring, 105108

SMTP objects, constructing, 152

source address, 153

source field, 66

srvany.exe utility, 2123

srvname registry key, 22

Start button (Services Control Panel), 8

Start (Tcpip) registry key, 64

starting/stopping services, 5372

using net.exe utility, 5457

reasons for, 53

strings, comparing, 94

stubs (stub scripts), 3536, 93

adding/removing scripts, 35

advantages vs. self-updating scripts, 35

safety/security, 118

self-updating, 40

writing, 3640

subdirectories, nested, 44

subkeys, 13

successful execution, 56

sysdiff.exe utility, 58, 62

main features, 63

sysdiff.inf configuration file, 62

system maintenance, 4152

MaintainAndConfigure module for, 121143

system policy editor, 2


TCP/IP parameter settings, 100103

TCP/IP service, startup states for, 64

temporary directories, cleaning, 4245

traversing registry keys, 13

TweakUI.exe application, 11


uniform naming convention (UNC), 123

user accounts (script security), 115117

Uuid Temporary Data registry key (RCP), 83


values, registry (see registry values)

version numbering, 30


Win32 API, 5

Win32::Registry module, 146

Win32-based services, 20, 57

Windows NT

command-line utilities, 48

Windows NT Registry (see registry)

Windows registry key, 69

Winlogon registry key, 15


automated configuration/maintenance, 3

configuring, 78

automated configuration, 3

error control values, 68

network identity, 91110


hardware, 69

network connectivity, 6972

housekeeping, 4247

names, finding, 7377, 9396 (see also MAC addresses)

NT domain and, 108

reliability, 118

reporting, 4752

running scripts on, 627

system maintenance, 4152

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