
Malicious software (called “malware” for short) is computer software that’s intentionally written to invade your privacy or cause harm. This is not the kind of thing you purchase or download from legitimate software vendors. Nor does it announce its presence to you on the screen. Rather, it sneaks into your computer through tainted programs and e-mail attachments without your knowledge. This chapter has covered the main types of malware and defenses to take against them:

  • Viruses and worms are harmful programs that can spread from one computer to the next via the Internet or other network connection.
  • Most viruses are spread through e-mail attachments or tainted programs from deceptive websites.
  • Spyware is a form of malware designed to invade your privacy, and it is the largest and most common Internet threat today.
  • Windows Defender is a program that comes free with Windows 8 to protect your computer from viruses, spyware, and similar forms of malicious software.
  • Windows Defender can scan your system for unwanted software and remove it.
  • Defender’s real-time protection prevents spyware from getting on your computer in the first place.
  • The Windows Action Center alerts you if it cannot find antivirus software on your computer.
  • The Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) is an online tool specializing in worm removal. Run it once a month or so to ensure that your computer is free of worms.

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