
The Internet is here to stay. Today’s children will likely use it as their main source of information and communication throughout their lives. The Internet is also very much a public place, a direct reflection of the world at large. Although most of the people online are perfectly normal, the Internet has its share of wackos and other undesirables, just as the real world does.

Knowledge is a parent’s best defense against Internet dangers. A parent who has been out of the loop in terms of technical advances over recent years will feel some helplessness and insecurity about keeping kids safe online. Setting up user accounts and parental controls is a great way to get started in taking control of kids’ computer use. Monitoring their activity is another. Here’s a quick wrap-up of the main points covered in this chapter:

  • A parent should set up at least one password-protected administrative user account to take control of the computer.
  • Each person who uses the computer can have a standard account, which offers greater security than an administrative account.
  • The person with the administrative account can use parental control features of Microsoft Family Safety to set limits on Internet and computer usage for people using standard accounts.
  • The administrator can also use activity reports to monitor standard users’ activities.
  • Parents can find support and stay up-to-date through many websites dedicated to online safety.

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