
Symbols and Numbers

&#xHexValue, 202

2D transforms, 55-56

CompositeTransform, 60

MatrixTransform, 61-62

RotateTransform, 56-57

ScaleTransform, 57-59

SkewTransform, 59-60

TranlateTransform, 60

TransformGroup, 61

3D transforms, 62, 64


absolute sizing, 80

absolute URIs, 256

AccelerationX property (AccelerometerReading class), 530

AccelerationY property (AccelerometerReading class), 530

AccelerationZ property (AccelerometerReading class), 530, 532

AcceleratorKeyActivated event, 143

accelerometer, 529-531

shake detection, 532

tossing motion, 531-532

Accelerometer.GetDefault method, 530

AccelerometerReading class, properties, 530

AcceptsReturn, TextWrapping versus, 241

account pictures

extensions, 509-511

providers, 510

AccountPictureChanged ...

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