Recall, modify, and re-execute a command previously used

Like Windows NT, Windows 2000 maintains a command buffer that keeps track of the commands you execute in a command console. Rather than retype a long command, you can select the command from the history to save typing time and avoid mistakes. Press the up and down arrows on the keyboard to move through the command history. Use the left and right arrows, Home, and End keys to move the cursor within a command. Use the Insert key when you need to insert text in a command.

Setting history options

Windows 2000 provides three options you can use to configure the command history for the console. You set these options through the property sheet for the console.

  1. Click Start Programs Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and choose Properties.

  2. Click the Options tab.

  3. Configure options in the Command History group using the following list as a guide:

    Buffer Size

    Specifies the number of commands maintained in the history list.

    Number of Buffers

    Specifies the number of processes that can have individual history buffers.

    Discard Old Duplicates

    Select this option to discard duplicate commands from the history, maintaining only one copy of each unique command string.

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