


forfiles [selection-options] [-c"command"]

Perform a command on each file in a list. (The default action is to display the filename.)


-c "command "

Specify the command to execute. The following case-sensitive constructs are available for use within commands:


Current filename


Bare filename


File extension


Directory location of fil


Directory location of file, relative to the current directory


TRUE /FALSE as appropriate


File size


File modification date:yyyymmdd


File modification time:hhmmss

The default command is cmd /c echo @FILE.


Specify the directory location at which to start the search (the default is the current directory).

-m string

Select the files matching the specified string, which may contain wildcards (the default is *.*).

-d+ |-ddmmyyyy | n

Select the files last modified on the specified date, or before (-) or after (+) it. If a number is given instead of a date, select the files modified (-)/not modified (+) within the last n days.


Recurse subdirectories.


Verbose output mode.

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