


List or schedule delayed and periodic tasks on the specified computer system. (This defaults to the local system.)


at [\\host]

List currently pending at jobs in the Schedule service queue. Note that at jobs also appear in the Scheduled Tasks control panel applet, and may be managed from there also.

at [\\host] job-ID /DELETE
at [\\host] /DELETE [/YES]

Remove a pending job (first form) or all pending jobs (second form; /YES preconfirms the action).

at [\\host] time [options] command

Schedule a job for one-time or periodic execution; time indicates the time of day at which the command runs.

Job Scheduling Options

/NEXT: weekday | n

Run the command on the next occurrence of the specified day of the week or on the nth of the month.

/EVER Y: weekday-and-dates-list

Run the command on a regular schedule; i.e., on each day of the week or the date of the month specified in the comma-separated list.


Allow desktop input when the command executes.

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