


cusrmgr -u user[-m system] [options]

Modify characteristics of the specified user account.


-P password

Set the user password.

+s | -s flag

Set or unset account flags, where flag is one of the following: MustChangePassword, CanNotChangePassword, PasswordNeverExpires, AccountDisabled, AccountLockout, or RASUser.

-r newname

Rename the user account.

- d

Delete the user account.

-c comment

Set the account comment.

-f fullname

Specify the user’s full name.

-U profile

Specify the user profile.

-h dir -H drive

Specify the user home directory or the drive letter mapping.

-n logon-script

Specify the logon script.

-alg group |-agg group

Add the user to the specified local (-alg ) or global (-agg ) group.

-dlg group | -dgg group

Remove the user from the specified local (-dlg ) or global (-dgg ) group.

-rlg | -rgg group newname

Rename a local (-rlf ) or global (-rgg ) group (-u is ignored).

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