


Configures an existing Dfs tree.


dfscmd options


? or help

Describes these options.

/add \\ dfsname \ dfsshare \ path \\ server \ share \ path [/restore]

Adds a replica to a Dfs volume. With /restore, do not check the destination server.

/map \\ dfsname \ dfsshare \ path \\ server \ share \ path [ comment ] [/restore]

Creates a new Dfs volume by mapping a Dfs path to a shared folder. The /restore option causes no check to be performed to see if the destination server is available.

/remove \\ dfsname \ dfsshare \ path \\ server \ share \ path

Removes a replica from a Dfs volume.

/unmap \\ dfsname \ dfsshare \ path

Deletes a Dfs volume and removes all of its replicas.

/view \\ dfsname \ dfsshare [/partial | /full | /batch || /batchrestore]

Views the volumes in the specified Dfs tree. If no arguments are specified, then only volume names are displayed. The /partial option displays the comments as well, and the /full option lists the full details of the tree. The /batch option is used to output the Dfs tree configuration to a file, which allows the Dfs tree to be recreated using the /batchrestore option if necessary.


Add a new Dfs link named SALESREPORTS, which maps to the shared folder SALES on the server TEST to the existing domain-based Dfs root named \\\public:

                     dfscmd /map \\\public\salesreports \\test\sales
The command completed successfully.

Add a second Dfs link named CATALOGS, which maps to the shared folder ...

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