
domain user account


Add members to a group, copy, create, delete, disable, find, modify properties of, move, open home page, rename, send mail, or unlock user accounts.


Domain user accounts are administered using the Active Directory Users and Computers console (see Chapter 5). After opening this console, expand the console tree and select the organizational unit (OU) in which the account is located or where it is to be created. Then proceed with the steps described in the following sections.

By default, built-in user accounts such as Administrator and Guest are located in the Users OU. When you create new domain user accounts, you can either locate them in the Users OU or create your own new OUs to contain these accounts. For example, you could:

  • Create a single, new OU called Domain Users and locate all domain user accounts within this OU. This is the simplest solution and is preferred unless there is a compelling reason to locate user accounts in more than one OU.

  • Create different OUs for domain users residing in different subsidiaries, in different geographical locations, or in different functional departments such as marketing, sales, support, and so on.

One good reason for creating your own OUs—even within a single-domain environment—is because you cannot link a Group Policy Object (GPO) to the default Builtin, Computers, or Users containers (since these are not OUs but special containers in Active Directory). For more information see Group Policy.

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