Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions, Second Edition

Book description

This book is a guide to Perl¿s most common Win32 extensions, grouped by their functionality. The new edition updates coverage from Perl 5.05 to current Perl version 5.6. It also includes new chapters offering critical, badly-needed information regarding security for Win32Perl, the topic most highly requested by reviewers. The appendices have descriptions and syntax of each function in the extensions covered. Each chapter makes extensive use of code segments to illustrate the use of specific functions and real world scenarios in which these functions can be used.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Tell Us What You Think!
  4. Introduction
  5. Why Perl on Your Win32 Machine?
    1. History of Win32 Perl
    2. ActiveState’s ActivePerl
    3. Perl Modules and Extensions
    4. Win32 Perl Extensions
    5. Different Perl Libraries
    6. Installing Extensions
    7. Installing Perl
    8. Parse Exceptions
    9. Error Handling
    10. Summary
  6. Network Administration
    1. Discovering Servers on the Network
    2. Finding Domain Controllers
    3. Resolving DNS Names
    4. Shared Network Resources
    5. Managing RAS Servers
    6. Windows Terminal Server
    7. Summary: Perl and Win32 Networks
  7. Administration of Machines
    1. User Account Management
    2. Group Account Management
    3. Removing a Group
    4. Machine Management
    5. Summary
  8. File Management
    1. File Attributes
    2. File Information
    3. Shortcuts
    4. Monitoring Directory Changes
    5. Summary
  9. Automation
    1. Understanding OLE
    2. Creating COM Objects
    3. Interacting with COM Objects
    4. Destroying COM Objects
    5. OLE Errors
    6. Miscellaneous OLE Items
    7. Summary
  10. Communication
    1. Sending Messages
    2. Named Pipes
    3. Summary
  11. Data Access
    1. What Is ODBC?
    2. SQL
    3. Escape Sequences
    4. How to Use Win32::ODBC
    5. The Win32::ODBC API
    6. Advanced Features of Win32::ODBC
    7. Summary
  12. Processes
    1. The STD Handles
    2. Process Management
    3. Case Study: Running Applications as Another User
    4. Summary
  13. Console, Sound, and Administrative Win32 Extensions
    1. Console Windows
    2. Sound
    3. Win32 API
    4. Impersonating a User
    5. Miscellaneous Win32 Functions
    6. Summary
  14. Writing Your Own Extension
    1. What Is an Extension?
    2. What Is a DLL?
    3. How to Write a Perl Extension
    4. Beginning Your Extension
    5. Writing Extension Functions
    6. A Practical Example
    7. Summary
  15. Security
    1. Security Concepts
    2. How Does Win32 Security Work?
    3. Using Win32::FileSecurity
    4. LSA Functions
    5. Summary
  16. Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting
    1. General Win32-Specific Mistakes
    2. Windows Scripting
    3. CGI Script Problems
    4. Win32::NetAdmin
    5. Win32::Registry
    6. Win32::ODBC
    7. Win32::OLE
    8. Summary
  17. Win32 Perl Resources
    1. Book Resources
    2. Web Resources
    3. The Official Perl Web Site
    4. CPAN
    5. Usenet Resources
    6. Electronic Magazines and Journals
    7. Win32 Extensions

Product information

  • Title: Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions, Second Edition
  • Author(s): Dave Roth
  • Release date: September 2001
  • Publisher(s): Sams
  • ISBN: 157870216X