by the Chairman of IASB
I and my fellow Board members at the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are committed to developing high quality, understandable, and enforceable global accounting standards that meet the demands for comparable and transparent information in the world’s capital markets. Recently we completed a work program to develop and issue a stable platform of such standards. Those standards, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), are now being implemented in a large number of countries around the world. This is a major achievement on the road towards the global acceptance of a single set of accounting standards.
The responsibility for achieving high quality financial reporting, however, does not rest solely with IASB. Our role is limited to providing the set of standards that entities should apply to achieve high quality, comparable, and transparent financial reporting. For IFRS to be properly understood, implemented, and applied in practice, education and training of all relevant parties—including financial statement preparers, auditors, regulators, financial analysts, and other users of financial statements as well as accounting students—is essential.
This book should be a helpful tool in this regard. The approach of the book is to discuss core concepts and other key elements of the standards and to provide training material in the form of worked case studies and questions to support successful learning ...

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