by the Secretary General of IOSCO
In recent years much has been written about International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) so it is opportune that a publication such as this would be released at this time particularly since this initiative helps to bring such clarity and focus to the debate.
Globalization is taking place at an ever more rapid pace. As cross-border financial activity increases, capital markets become more dependent on each other. As financial markets become ever more interdependent, there is a greater need for the development of internationally recognized and accepted standards dealing with capital market regulation.
The development of IFRS can be seen within this broader framework. They represent an especially useful instrument designed to promote a stable and more secure international regulatory environment. At the same time, IFRS deliver on accounting and disclosure objectives as well as the pursuit of improved transparency of global financial reporting.
For the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the development and subsequent progress of IFRS represents a priority outcome. The organization has been a key stakeholder with an active involvement in the process of setting the standards and in continually assessing their quality.
This involvement reflects a long history of commitment by IOSCO to efforts aimed at strengthening the integrity of international markets through the promotion of high quality ...

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