This book would not have seen the light of the day without the help of so many wonderful people around the globe who have helped us to put it together. This IFRS workbook project was conceived and conceptualized way back in 1998, but due to certain unanticipated issues that surfaced later, the project was dropped, only to be revived in 2005. We would be remiss in our duties if we did not thank the editors at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, who had implicit faith in our abilities and greatly helped us in giving shape to this creative endeavor. In particular, we wish to place on record our sincere appreciation of the help provided to us by the following individuals of John Wiley & Sons: David Pugh, for his patronage of this book project; John DeRemigis, for his stewardship of this book project from its incubation stages in 1998 to its completion in 2011 and for his perseverance for these many years; Judy Howarth and Brandon Dust, for their able guidance and patience; Natasha Andrews-Noel and Pam Reh and their editorial staff, for their creative and valuable editorial comments and assistance; and the staff of the marketing department for their outstanding marketing plans and ideas.
We also wish to place on record our sincere appreciation of the untiring efforts of Ms. Liesel Knorr, the current president of the German Accounting Standards Board and formerly technical director of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), the predecessor body to the IASB, ...

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