#42 Improving the Readability of df Output

While Script #41 summarized df command output, the most important change we can make to df is simply to improve the readability of its output.

The Code

 #!/bin/sh # newdf - A friendlier version of df. awkscript="/tmp/newdf.$$" trap "rm -f $awkscript" EXIT cat << 'EOF' > $awkscript function showunit(size) { mb = size / 1024; prettymb=(int(mb * 100)) / 100; gb = mb / 1024; prettygb=(int(gb * 100)) / 100; if ( substr(size,1,1) !~ "[0–9]" || substr(size,2,1) !~ "[0–9]" ) { return size } else if ( mb < 1) { return size "K" } else if ( gb < 1) { return prettymb "M" } else { return prettygb "G" } } BEGIN { printf "%-27s %7s %7s %7s %8s %-s\n", "Filesystem", "Size", "Used", "Avail", "Capacity", "Mounted" } ...

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