Chapter 12. Commandment VIII: Creating an Above-and-Beyond Culture

Constant awareness and branding of how to be a hero

Many times, when a customer complains about the price, it isn't because they are cheap or not willing to pay it, it is because the experience didn't warrant it.

Commandment VIII: Creating an Above-and-Beyond Culture

World-class service organizations create an awareness of the most common opportunities that employees can really deliver heroic service for the customer, which creates an above-and-beyond culture.

Are your employees empowered and inspired to exceed customer expectations? Do you have mechanisms in place to collect and re-distribute above-and-beyond stories to constantly remind your employees of the Service Vision?

Many times, when a customer complains about the price, it isn't because they are cheap or not willing to pay it, it is because the experience didn't warrant it.

Creating Loyal Customers

In 2005, John Robert's Spa took a hard look at our VIP guests and what made them so loyal. We are lucky to have well over 100,000 guests in our database, but only the top 2,000 guests are labeled VIP (Silver, Gold, Platinum). One day, while reviewing the lists of VIP guests, we realized that in many cases we had dropped the ball with them, in some cases drastically or repeatedly. We wanted to figure out what we did that resulted in many of these people being so loyal and forgiving, so that we could do it with more of our ...

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