
For more than a decade, Sharon and I have been colleagues. Our mutual interest in communication has led us to specialize in the nonverbals of interactions between individuals and within groups. We have pioneered methods to stabilize nonverbal patterns of communication and have collaborated in identifying the subtle patterns used by effective communicators across the globe.

Sharon is a liaison between our applied research and the public. By packaging practical ideas in an easy-to-apply format, readers will discover many walk-away new strategies from every chapter. Her conversational style provides access to many concepts that were buried in jargon-oriented books. Instead of case studies, she conveys insights through stories. Her focus is clear and her messages delivered with ease.

Yet Sharon is more than a liaison. Her book is full of original concepts, methods, charts, and inspiration. Sharon has expanded and enriched the field of nonverbal communication with new, practical patterns. Those who will benefit most from What Your Body Says (and how to master the message) are managers, mentors, trainers, teachers—literally everyone. Communication is challenging, even mysterious. Unpleasant surprises happen when well-intended messages are taken the wrong way. Words and nonverbals can send conflicting signals. Because the nonverbals of communication can either destroy or enhance careers and personal relationships, this book is important. It could change your life.

—Michael Grinder, ...

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