Praise for What Is Your WHAT?


“Every once in a while a book comes along that stands out in its ability to really help people. If you are one of those people who feels unsatisfied with your work or still haven't figured out what you want to do when you grow up, read this book, do the brilliantly constructed exercises and watch your life transform.”

Jack Canfield

Cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and coauthor of The Success Principles

“This isn't a book as much as it is a road map. It takes you on a journey where you'll meet the most interesting character in the universe (Spoiler Alert: It's YOU). But the YOU that embarks upon this journey will not be the same YOU that reaches the horizon…in fact, What Is Your WHAT? will specifically guide you, step-by-step toward something most people never discover…and with this discovery you can, as Steve Jobs suggested, ‘put a dent in the universe.’ This book clearly puts the author, Steve Olsher, in the Who's Who of What's What.”

Dan HollingsMarketing Strategist (best known for his work with “The Secret,” Zero Cost Marketing Secrets, and Email Clockstar)

“We are told the biggest regret shared by people in the last days of life is that they did not live an authentic life. Busy living out the expectations of others, they tried to be ‘responsible’ and ‘practical,’ but missed the one thing that would have made them great. In this timely book, Steve draws from the examples of people living their WHAT to give ...

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