


Redirect [status] pathname url


[server config, within <VirtualHost> or <Directory>, or .htaccess]

Tells the server to forward clients that request a given directory or document, pathname, to a new location, specified by url. This new location must be a complete path, unless the status given is gone, in which case the new location must be omitted. The Redirect directive supersedes any Alias or AliasMatch directives that are specified.

The status variable can be one of the following:


This option uses an HTTP status 301 to indicate to the client that the redirect should be considered permanent.


This option uses an HTTP status 302 to indicate to the client that the redirect is only temporary. This is the default.


This option uses an HTTP status 303 to indicate to the client that the resource requested has been superseded or replaced.


This option uses an HTTP status 410 to indicate to the client that the resource has been removed.

(Apache 1.2 or later)

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